2015.12.25 뱅킹(금융어플) 사용 가능한 SuperSu 2.64b
- (systemless) Detect more boot image partition names
- (systemless) Blank partitions before writing to them
- (systemless) Ask to restore boot and recovery images on full unroot
- (systemless) Implement "uninstall competing superuser apps"
- (systemless) Samsung: prevent "KERNEL IS NOT SEANDROID ENFORCING" warning
- (systemless) Cleanup system install properly if present, fixes a number of possible bootloops
- ZIP: 6.0+: Detect firmwares that can reload sepolicy from /data and use system-based root on these ("allow init kernel:security { load_policy }")
- supolicy: Additional SELinux patches for M (reduced logging only)
- Update translations
10.12.2015 - v2.62 - BETA
- (systemless) Do not attempt to patch fstab symlinks
- (systemless) Implement feature to en/disable Superuser
- (systemless) Poor man's overlay on /system/xbin for compatibility reasons (hopefully temporary) [BINDSYSTEMXBIN]
- (systemless) ZIP: Add reading setup variables from /system/.supersu and /data/.supersu
- (systemless) ZIP: Add option to patch /system to rw in fstab [FSTABSYSTEMRW]
- (systemless) ZIP: Added call to custom patcher script, if any (/data/custom_boot_image_patch.sh)
-2 (systemless) ZIP: Fix calling wrong script name for custom patcher script
-2 (systemless) ZIP: Improve APK overwrite
-3 (systemless) ZIP: Do not move backups from /cache to /data, just copy them
07.12.2015 - v2.61 - BETA
- (systemless) Fix kernel partition detection for some Intel devices
- (systemless) Added warning not to allow TWRP to install its own SuperSU version
- (systemless) Wipe /data/security/ on flash
- (systemless) Simplified kernel partition detection
- (systemless) Added /system cleanup if needed, /data cleanup always
- (systemless) Fix fstab verity removal for devices that do not list partition in the option
- Full unroot: set partition read/write before writing to it
- ZIP: Silence many error message writing to TWRP's recovery log
- ZIP: Added more documentation to the script
05.12.2015 - v2.60 - BETA
- (systemless) Fixed ZIP installer breaking Pro
- (systemless) Added automatic kernel patcher to ZIP installer
- (systemless) Added sukernel tool
- (systemless) Bind mount /system/[x]bin/su to /su/bin/su
- (systemless) Fixed cleanup options in settings
- (systemless) Now available for 5.1.x (by default for Samsung only, full unroot/reflash system before update)
- Made reworked context switching available to 5.1.x (testing, should come to more APIs soon)
- Fixed recursive mount issue on Samsung 5.1.x that could ultimately lead to root being lost
30.10.2015 - v2.56 - BETA
- Support for systemless su binary locations
안드로이드 M에서 사용가능한 2.64버전 베타버전으로 작업하였습니다.
전 안드로이드 M을 쓰지 않아서 테스트는 따로 해보지 못했습니다.
안드로이드 M 사용자분들께서 테스트 해보시고 댓글 남겨주시기 바랄께요.
뱅킹(금융어플) 사용 가능한 SuperSu 2.64 베타버전입니다.
SuperSu 설정에서 임시 언루팅 하시면 루팅폰이라며
사용이 불가능하던 금융앱들이 사용이 가능합니다.
모든 금융어플이 100% 다 가능한건 아니니 이 점 유념하시기 바랍니다.
적용은 CWM/필즈터치 같은 커스텀 리커버리에서 플래싱하시면 됩니다.
(되도록 기존에 사용중인 Supersu를 영구삭제 후에 설치하기를 권장합니다)
적용방법이나 특정앱 사용불가에 따른 요청받지 않습니다.
잘 모르시는 분은 직접 구글링해서 알아보시기 바랍니다.
다운로드1 : Banking_SpapaSU-v2.64-20151220185127.zip
다운로드2 : Banking_SpapaSU-v2.64-20151220185127.zip
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